Chapter 19 Part 4 - Since I was reborn as Saito Yoshitatsu, I'm aiming to hand over the territory to Oda Nobunaga and live longer!

1536 (Tenbun era, year 5)
TL: Yuina

 On the way up the mountain, Asakura's soldiers and ours were somehow matching spears. There were no bows nor arrows flying at all. It seems that the other party cannot afford it due to their lack of manpower. I couldn't feel a shred of motivation, but some of them seemed to be fighting seriously.

 As previously said, the arrow was shot toward the center of the dense area. The main purpose is not to hit someone, but to let them know that we're coming. That shot will later be said to have killed an opponent.

 The person wearing a helmet who was in command of the other side noticed me and started to blabber with a loud voice.

"Oh, no. Isn't that the son of the usurper of the position of Saito Shugodai, the oil peddler of Mino! How dare he come with so many men! The castle can't hold out like this! We've fought so hard and still lost five men, we are forced to retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

 Naturally, there was nobody in front of the castle gate. I can't say for sure, but at any rate, the enemy has escaped. Our soldiers kept staring at me. Oh, is it time for that thing my uncle told me about?

"Everyone! First, we must secure the castle! Chasing the enemy will have to wait for later!"

 We got the castle on the promise that we'll let them escape safely, so we should let them go. If we suffered casualties, I'm worried the damage will be too great.

 After a while, it was confirmed that there were no enemies in the castle. They gathered the five corpses that they found. Of course, it was important to do so to prevent any unexpected mishap.

"Well done! This is our victory! Let me hear your cries of triumph!"

"Hurray! Hurray!"

 Such bad acting! In another world, the chat would have been clogged with complaints from the audience. Now I'll become the young general who managed to retrieve a castle in my first battle without suffering any damage on my side. I'm sure this news will travel all over the country.

Author's Note:

It is important not to fail in your first battle. According to some theory, it seems that even in Mogami Yoshiaki's case, he used the Karita-rozeki [1] to his advantage in over to secure his first battle.

Compared to that, Yoshitatsu defeated a fort, albeit just a branch castle. It was still a great battle.

[1] Karita-rozeki or Katta-rozeki (刈田狼藉) means to harvest rice crops illegally in order to assert control over the land. It is also called Karita-rufu.


  1. roflmao ugh that was actually quite cringey xD
    Anyway, congratulations are in order for um, succeeding in taking back a castle from the enemy.


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