Chapter 24 Part 2 - Since I was reborn as Saito Yoshitatsu, I'm aiming to hand over the territory to Oda Nobunaga and live longer!

1537 (Tenbun era, year 6)
TL: Yuina

 In the meantime, I decided to show them how to make a Chinese herbal remedy that would work quickly on the bruises you get from the training. Since the chili peppers were not yet available yet for making the hot poultice, I decided to go for the Hyakuso poultice, which was used during the Edo and Meiji periods. I've already got some kihada for making Hyakuso-maru, which is a gastrointestinal medicine, and I'm gradually increasing the production of peppermint for soap. Arnica is substituted with Chinese cedar, camphor, willow bark with salicylic acid, and a little vegetable oil to promote skin intake of vitamin E. The gelatin from the willow is used to complete the degraded version [1].

 Since it is a cold poultice, it has a peppermint effect and feels nice and cool when applied to the body. The same indescribably refreshing effect of the poultice is useful for modern Japanese people, as well as in Chinese medicine.

 I quickly mixed it up, applied it to a cloth, and put it on their backs and calves where there was no bleeding.

 The older brother, Jurin, opened his eyes wide as he pulled his leg closer to sniff and ask questions. His younger brother, Zuisaku, let out a small scream at the unknown sensation, and even after he got used to it, he often complained about the poultice still feeling uncomfortable. His back seemed to be itching, and he was fidgeting a lot that day. I smirked.

 Naturally, Kunai Taifu-den was also interested in the poultice, so I gave it to him, but he seemed disappointed when I told him that the materials necessary for its production were all from Inabayama's Chinese medicine field.

 In the first place, it was still very expensive in this era. The glue craftsmen's gelatin making, and camphor, were not yet ready for mass production. Also, the amount of peppermint was not enough for soap making. I'm sure I'll be able to mass-produce peppermint by the time I'm able to make glass bottles. The feeling of coolness is preponderant, and it gives you the feeling that the medicine is effective. The refreshing sensation even outweighed the pain, both of them were groaning after they realized that.

 By the next day, the bruises seemed to have subsided, and both of their attitudes had changed considerably. But this was not the end of it. It's not that I mind being looked down upon, but I do have a certain amount of pride when it comes to medicine.

 So, the next day, we had a class on human dissection using the corpse of the recently deceased thief. It was winter, so we were lucky that the body hadn't rotted, even though it was left exposed in the castle. I mobilized all our resources, including surgical gowns, hats, and spare masks.

Even though he was a criminal, I didn't want to disrespect him after his death. I put my hands together for a few seconds, then I began the dissection and the explanation.

"Here is the heart, it's emitting pulsations, and it is this regular movement that keeps animals alive. That completes the basic organs."

"Hmm. In other words, what we think of as the five zang organs and the six fu organs [2] are actually something slightly different. You will live long, I tell you."

"So this is the appendix... that Shinkuro-sama had removed."

"And this adrenal gland beside the kidney... I never heard of anything like this."

 At first, the siblings weren't very excited about the uncleanness, but after they discovered new things they didn't know, they immediately began to look closely, touch, and ask questions. They seemed to be in quite the culture shock, since there were many things that could not be explained by the traditional eastern medicine.

 They were also amazed to see how muscles contract and stretch when you move your body in real life, saying things like, "The human body is such an amazing thing..." They were also quite surprised to learn about the difference in the thickness of blood vessels in different parts of the body, together with the spinal cord running down the spine.

 When I met them the next day, I could tell by the look on their faces that they were not going to look down on me again. Things will go much smoother this way, this method should be more effective that using power harassment or discrimination. At some point, we have to increase the number of doctors with the right knowledge. Since I've kept all my memories from before the reincarnation, I want to do all I can to live longer. In addition, it would be bad if someone didn't have the ability to diagnose me when the time came. So training them isn't such a bad idea.

[1] The general meaning of "degraded version" is "something that is inferior in performance and quality to something". It is the same or similar type as a certain product, but the quality is inferior to that.

[2] The 5 zang organs include the heart (心), the liver (肝), the spleen (脾), the lung (肺), and the kidney (腎), and the 6 fu organs include the gallbladder (膽), the stomach (胃), the small intestine (小腸), the large intestine (大腸), the urinary bladder (膀胱), and sanjiao (the triple energizer).


  1. ...They didn't have much repulsion against human cadaver dissection. I thought they would think of it as dark magick or something <:D

    1. I don't know about dark magic, but I know about Kegare:


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